During the meeting, Mishra asked the officials to prepare for the G20 virtual summit which was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the culmination of the G20 summit earlier this month.
The G20 virtual summit is scheduled to be held in November this year.
According to sources, Mishra said that the G20 summit was not a one-time affair and the Indian presidency has delivered solid outcomes which are being followed up and monitored closely. All ministries concerned leading various working groups are being tasked to implement their sector-specific outcomes. A high-level monitoring group is also being set up.
The G20 secretariat, the Department of Economic Affairs, and the External Affairs Ministry are working closely to deliver on the virtual G20, sources said.
Mishra directed all ministries to focus on the deliverables including those from the declaration and earlier ministerial and working group meetings. He also asked the ministries to conduct webinars with stakeholders and involve state governments and think-tanks in this process.
He also said that India’s support for the African Union in particular and the Global South in general is something that should be continued in all actions. He said that there is a need to prepare an action plan for outreach to the Africa Union.
It was informed that the External Affairs Ministry is fully focused on the second Voice of Global South Summit, which is a topic very close to the Prime Minister.