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    “Global Recognition; Local Renown..” Dr. Habeeb has an Inspired vision

    “India can deliver greater accomplishments to the world when we understand well about our traditions and history”
    Dr. CP Habeeb Rahman 

    West is very advanced but they could not lead the world towards any good direction. India can do what the western countries could not do so far. India has got a tradition and history that the entire world is admiring and looking forward to associate with. India has a traditional wisdom that give respect where respect is due. We as a nation had welcomed all kinds of traditions and culture. We had accepted everyone as they were. We never had insisted anyone to change according to our tune.

    India never had an intention to conquer other nations. Whereas we have utilized all opportunities to help other nations to build their nations. We went to Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and many other countries with helping hands. India got a tradition of helping the nations even when we had all kinds of problems to face in our own existence and survival.

    India is known and respected internationally for many centuries. Even when we had lost our economic stability due to British invasion and the atrocities of East India Company, we had respect in the comity of nation for our non-alignment approach towards nations. We had maintained our impartial approach to humanity even when we were struggling to feed a large portion of the hungry population and to maintain their dignity.

    Today, India should lead a non-alignment movement against hatred. Few of the leaders misunderstood the mood of the people and went in wrong path in creating division between people of the nation. Divide and rule was the approach of British. They had lost totally even when they had divided us by intoxicating hatred in the minds of the people. Pakistan had continued with hatred and we know where they have reached now.

    India had grown manifold in wealth and respect. We should take the lead role in the world by showing them the power of communal harmony as against the world trend to create communalism as a weapon to ruin the world. War and weapons had lost every time when they had ventured to conquer the world. We have plenty of examples. We should take the right path so that we can guide the world towards right direction.

    Right opportunity to lead the world has come handy for India with what is called G-20 or Group of twenty leading countries in the world. G-20 is surely a reputed forum for international cooperation. The forum  focuses on most important aspects of the international, economic, and financial agenda by bringing together the world’s major and advanced economies on to a common platform. Twenty countries in the comity of G-20 are one or the other way play important roles in the world.

    India, Canada, China, the EU, France, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Turkey, UK, and USA are all countries that can take it an opportunity to connect people under a single banner called humanity. World is so much interconnected. We should March forward keeping entire humanity together with one other. Indian leadership with its long-standing tradition can take the world leadership

    We should welcome people who come with initiatives of productivity for prosperity. We used to welcome everyone across the world. Entire world is welcoming us now. People came, technology came, investments came, international trade has come. India had welcomed everyone and everything unconditionally. Leaders at some point of time had inclined to different strategies that were deviating from the straight path. They all had lost eventually. This is the effect of the famous ‘challenge response theory’ by Arnold Toynbee explaining why and how civilizations had lost in the entire history when they went creating artificial challenges.

    Hatred is an artificial challenge. Communal harmony is the true thing in the world. In fact, it is natural harmony between every being, living and nonliving. West is lost in the turbulence they had created to dominate the world. It had reached a level wherein the world is entangled with several bondages. Every person is experiencing it in one or other way.

    Freedom from self is the global challenge today. Everyone is facing it in different ways. Self-liberating, self-realization and self-actualization are key words for human existence. Our future as individuals, corporations, nations etc. are transformed entirely today. We all realize them particularly after COVID19 Pandemic. Our future depends on what we are responding to the crisis right now. History tells us creativity and Leadership are crucial to surviving and prosperity during and after every challenge. Existence of humanity is the real challenge. Harmony is the right of everyone. Hegemony of anyone is rejected by entire humanity.

    Dr. Habeeb has an Inspired vision

    Maybe it was his destiny. But it is his vision has guided him towards that destiny in a way that few can imagine. His vision is filled with compassion for his fellow beings. “Human beings have the highest intellect manifested as we have seen so far in the whole universe. Often, we feel we are alone in this vast universe. To sustain and survive, the human race must use his intelligence to understand the universe through all sources of knowledge. It should focus on being the receptacle for divine knowledge of the universe as available in various scriptures as it preceded human understanding of it. Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe”. When you meet Dr. C. P, Habeeb, these words echo in your head, for he is the embodiment of these words.

    United we lead the world; Enlightened and well-grounded thinking for wellbeing of planet earth; Thoughts and ideas of Dr. CP Habeeb Rahman is far ahead of time and far above all kinds of winds and tides.

    Dr. CP Habeeb Rahman is in a relentless pursuit of attaining harmonious excellence for more than himself, for humanity at large. This is evident in his approach towards success in his career and social life from very beginning. He has the drive within to chase the impossible until he is able to make it possible. He gives importance for topics that others may tend to ignore since it doesn’t affect them immediately or directly.

    Some of his actions are decades ahead of the national standards. He goes ahead of humanity. He is thinking all the time about the society and its wellbeing. At certain times we may feel he is far ahead of us and at the next moment we again feel that we are pacing with him to certain extent. He will slow down and relate with us by narrating an incident or a story that will help us to connect our thoughts and to move ahead with him.

    Give him a difficult problem to resolve, next moment he starts to work for it. His mind works like a super computer and a supersonic flight at the very same time. His thoughts will go in multi dimensions about the possibilities aroused out of the issues created by the people. At the same time, he will go into the roots of the issue to resolve it for the people. He focusses always on a global society of humanity. Boundless thinking and boundary less approach make him accepted and appreciated by common people and great visionaries. He is in search of excellence and sure about achieving it together with everyone. Excellence for humanity at large.

    Resolving complex issues is his passionate desire at every time. In 1978, Dr. CP Habeeb Rahman had started first modern hospital at Mangalore. He was setting up a hospital for comprehensive healthcare, which was a three-dimensional approach, giving importance for prevention and cure at one side and promotion of health on the other side.

    American hospital was the dream of most of the doctors in India at that time. He wanted to start a hospital with international standards here in his backyard. People at the surrounding areas had a different approach towards hospital. Concept of a hospital at that time was filled with smell of medicines etc. There were objections from the neighborhood. All objections vanished at once when they met him and spoke with him.

    Unity is recognized and well regarded being a learning organization than just a working hospital. Name of the hospital itself was transcending all boundaries. Waves of unity has a spirit that touches hearts of the people all times. Thought process of Dr. Habeeb Rahman are aligned with the wellbeing of a global society. His vision is global with clear and specific action at local front. General thinking of society is catching up with his thoughts in a delayed pace. He gets recognition globally as well.

    Dr. CP Habeeb. Born on December 3, 1941 to C.P. Mohammed and Zainabi in Kasargod, Dr. Habeeb, one of 5 siblings (4 boys and a girl) completed his early education at St. Aloysius boarding school in Mangalore and obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Dharwad. He then went on to obtain a medical degree from the prestigious Kasturba Medical College, Manipal. Recalling his days at St. Aloysius Boarding school Dr. Habeeb says, that the values of truth, integrity, compassion and service that his teachers and the warden instilled in him through advices and examples in those days remain and guide him even today.

    Health of people should align with health of planet earth; Existence of both people and the planet goes together since they are inter connected

    Dr. CP Habeeb Rahman

    Vision, Leadership and Management aligned with humanity as a whole is quintessential for human excellence and even existence of planet earth. Efficient management is required right from home to schools to colleges to universities to industries to cities to societies to the nation and to the world at large. Though I am a Medical Man connected to healthcare, I am more interested in management right from earlier days. I keep myself participating in management related programs from very beginning.

    Leadership and management are like an object and its shadow. Wherever there is shadow, there is an object behind it. And there is also a light behind the object which gives the shadow. The real object is behind the shadow. Management is the shadow. Leadership is the object. There is no management without proper leadership. Leadership denotes vision, direction, focus, target etc. whereas Management is the one that pave way towards achieving the target of reaching the destination.

    Stephan R. Covey, the famous author of Seven habits of highly effective people nicely demonstrates the difference between leadership and management.  There is a road being made in a jungle. People are very busy in cutting the trees and paving mud, removing obstacles and all kinds of work are going on very seriously. Suddenly, the leader stands on a tall tree and shouts; Wrong jungle! Stop!! Suddenly the reply comes from the management saying We are making rapid progress! Shut up!!

    The leader on the top says to stop because the leader sees the vision.  Leadership is vision, target and future. Management is what is executing on the ground. As I said in the beginning, shadow of the object is the work done by the management and the object is the leadership. Management being efficient, the credit goes to good leadership. Object and light are responsible for a good shadow. Light behind is vision of the leader. This is the main thing of leadership and the management. When you see and evaluate anything, anywhere in any field, we cannot find a good management without a good leader. Anything good has happened was under the leadership of a good leader. Management automatically follows the leader and directions of the leader.

    Leaders of different nations are different. Every leader is unique. Leadership is unique at every level. Management remains but their shadow everywhere. My experience, as a management person or as a leader; if at all I have managed anything, it is out of my vision and passion. Whatever I have been doing or what all you have been seeing as my management efficiency; all have come out of the clarity of my vision.

    That clarity of vision was always to meet the needs of the society at that particular time. In the early days when we started the hospital. I had a vision to have what is best in the world, not available in the local area. That is how we originally planned Unity Hospital.  We had an excellent plan forty years back. Also had an excellent vision of what was required.

    There are three facets for a healthcare delivery system. They are; one is prevention of disease, second is the promotion of health and the third is cure of the diseases. Doctors and hospitals are mostly focused on the third; which is cure alone as a temporary measure; whereas preventive and promotive sides of health and diseases are ignored.

    I visualized origin of an original hospital or a healthcare delivery system in 1970s, as perfect as a comprehensive healthcare system as it is practiced today. Comprehensive healthcare is nothing but integration of both preventive and promotive sides of healthcare along with advanced diagnosis and therapy, which we have started in the year 1978.

    It was because of a vision that the best facility should be made available for the patient, we had initiated the management of the hospital. How to realize the vision was a big challenge for us. It was a good concept; very expensive and least rewarding, then; and even now.

    It was a big challenge even to start that. We took lot of initiatives in so many areas like health promotion, environmental sanitation, medical checkup, adoption of villages etc. which all are now being done by medical colleges. At that time, even the medical college did not do that or even think about that. It denotes, whatever you find good in unity was out of a vision. That the leadership gave me the action to realize that. Whatever I did became my management.

    My favorite author is Peter F. Drucker, father of modern management. He says management originally started being business management. Then it went to corporations. Then, it went to organizations in different levels. And now management start from home. Mother being the first naturally inherent manager. Best manager. We see in many families, though they may not be much educated, mother manages everything, including cooking to managing the house maintenance, everything including managing her husband. Natural managers are human beings. Mother first. then the father, then the working system, then the company or the business or the institution. Management is relevant everywhere. Management is relevant in every human system to get the best results. It can have best results when there are good leaders. Management of earth is an ultimate reality and leaders are very important worldwide today.

    You all should know that we are travelling in an aero plane. Planet earth is like a flight. We are moving at a speed of thousand miles per hour. but we just think we are stationary. Actually, we are not stationary. We are being tied up by gravity as seatbelt. And suppose, as we imagine many of us are traveling in a train or in a flight; with thousands of people; in the future, maybe 2000 or 3,000 or whatever numbers; something like a cruise on the air. So, at that time, if you start quarrelling inside, what will happen to the flight. What will be the plight of the flight and the travelers within. That is what exactly about to happen to the human beings on the planet called earth which is exactly like a flight. What is most required now is the survival of planet earth. The most important management today is to retain our planet earth floating.

    Any time it can collapse. Not of anything else, but out of our own misbehavior. We may call it management or mis-management; Some may say they are a Strong management or some may accuse someone about wrong management. For survival of the planet earth, Management is very essential today as an emergency management. When it is in healthcare, there are three things to take care. One is Diagnosis. Second is emergency management. Third is electro procedure, like surgery etc.

    In that one, the most relevant and useful for human beings is emergency management. That is what we focused first, right from the early days in unity, what was known as emergency management; even now it continues; we are recognized because we save a life; even a minute or an hour is very important in saving the life of people.

    There is a well-planned system in emergency management in unity which is well recognized by all the people who had come to unity in the past several years. Now we reached a stage where humanity require an emergency management system for the earth.

    Survival of individuals was the concern of hospital. Today, the challenge is about the survival of humanity. We need to take up several corrective measures. Leadership today should focus all their might on what we call Emergency Management of Planet earth. The top leaders of the world are political heads. They should think about this and act in a very appropriate manner. The governing system of the world should undergo a thorough checkup today. We need to look into the future, being enlightened people and not just from the point of view of an institution or business or a company. We should act being humanity as a whole, which is very relevant for our survival of systems in this world. There is an unseen management which is visible or evident in whole of the universe. That is what we can call management by natural law. Once I was staying in a Hotel in Mumbai. As I was sitting and relaxing in the balcony; I saw a large number of birds busy eating in the ground.

    Some people used to throw rice and other things there. So, the birds used to come there to enjoy their delicious eatables. Suddenly somebody took some stone and thrown. All birds started to fly at once. And they all flew away side by side in a crowd without touching each other.

    I Imagined, a lot of planes in the ground in an airfield or in a similar ground. So many planes are in the ground together. And suddenly when they wanted to fly away together from there in an emergency. If they fly together, they all crash with each other for sure. What it means? The management with human beings is subject to accident. When managed by the natural low, even a large crowd of birds are subject to safety.

    Mahatma Gandhi is the only person we find written his autobiography being an experiment with truth. He was focusing on truth.

    As we observe, we see, every religious scripture focuses on truth. SATHYAMEVA JAYATE in Hindu scriptures; I am the truth and the way in Bible; Straight Path in Quran; All other religions also say the same thing in different ways. Truth is the basic philosophy in every religion. Hindu, Islam, Christian, Sikh, Parsee and all other religion are based on the fundamentals of truth.

    In every religious scripture, we find these very lofty words of truth. All these are moving towards; SANADHANA DHARMA; or what we can call eternal truth.

    But unfortunately, the religious followers are not following them well. Among human beings, Scientists are the community who follows truth, and they progress rapidly in their endeavors.

    When religious followers start to follow religious scriptures, the world will progress in the way the scientists progress in their endeavors. We need to follow natural law which is based on truth, prudence and perfect intelligence; where we can see management of universe is being conducted by divine sources than artificial forces.

    Whoever part of the governing system; Corporate heads, Political heads; religious heads; knowledgeable people; whoever people who are the dominating forces in the world should think together about the survival of planet earth. So, what we require today is a human pool that can take care of an emergency management system that can take care of planet earth and to save it from a possible collapse.

    I have tried in different level; how politician can be transformed to a better system through my limited contact and capacity. I met the former President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam at Rashtrapathi Bhavan in the year 2006. We had discussed about the importance of survival of democracy. I had alerted Dr. Kalam about the need of professional education for politicians particularly on topics like integrity and dignity.

    We have got an award in Malaysia from a US Based organization one month before the outbreak of Corona. I narrated there about importance for the preventive and promotive sides of healthcare.

    Soon after the program there, within a months’ time, the world went into preventive side of healthcare. Everyone started to wear mask and to take care of the surroundings. Everyone’s health and behavior suddenly had become important for the health of the entire society.

    What we are suffering now is because of what is called the ego gratification which is causing sacrifices on our eco systems. Latest book by Otto Scharmer; Titled; Leading from the emerging future; suggests a shift from Ego Systems to an Eco System of Economies.

    He tries to understand the new kind of leadership that is required for the safe future of planet earth. The book says; The mindset of maximum “me” – Maximum Material Consumption, bigger is better, that has led into a state of organized irresponsibility, collectively creating results that nobody wants. All of us in the world now individually and collectively should start to move away from its present ego system to a desired and cherished eco-system of coexistence.

    Our survival and so-called success alone are not going to make any advantage for anyone including us in the world. I was thinking loud while reading the book; what is the point in grabbing a parachute and jumping out from the flight to reach a ground that is totally caught into fire. I suggest the global society to initiate a collective thinking process about how we can save the planet earth and thereby save ourselves from the present days crisis or attaining and retaining power. That’s is all I got to share with you from my little understanding about Vision, leadership and management. Let us be united being a single humanity.

    Dr. Habeeb Rahman is a people’s person!

     People were always his passion and continue to be Dr. Habeeb’s passion even now! Their behavior intrigued him. Why do people do what they do? This query drove him to study human behavior in depth and find out what makes people tick – One person is different from the other and what makes them different is what sparks his interest. Dr. Habeeb believes that human beings do not act naturally; they wear masks and confuse the other.

    Dr. Habeeb Rahman has spent long hours studying human behavior. He has attended seminars and courses with world famous management gurus and also has established close affinity with lot many high profile speakers and experts in Management, Medical and Scientific fields of study. He has linked his study of human behavior and its motivations to Islamic teachings. He says, “While some religions have said, one becomes good by doing good deeds; Islam preaches that one must do good deeds and eventually become a good person”. Becoming good results in happiness. Hence, he advocates people to do good deeds at every instance.

    Being a people’s person and a medical profession, the health of society is an area that he focuses his energies on aRt present. He involves himself with every activity that enhances harmony in society and prosperity for the majority. “Human behavior is the cause and quotient for crisis and progress in society and we should look forward to improve upon human behavior and to make it the driving force behind prosperity of people in the comity of nations”, he says.

    Returning to his favorite theme, Dr. Habeeb says, “We must all be ambassadors of unity and peace. Unity is the first step to prosperity. Unity in family and society is very important. When there are differences, we should understand the difference is between opinions and is not between people. Differing in ideas and remaining in an ideal atmosphere of togetherness is a very important ingredient for prosperity. More ideas will be forthcoming, and with more ideas come more possibilities and multiple options. Innovations will come faster, and society will progress faster.

    He Practices what you preach!

    Motivations and motivational speakers abound in this digital era – they have a ready audience and can be virtually present everywhere. But what counts is do they preach what they practice? The gap and most certainly there is one, can destroy credibility and trust leading to a breakdown in society itself. It is therefore Dr. Habeeb believes very important, that character and competence go hand in hand if one is to achieve success. One is no good without the other. The six pillars of good character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship) for him are the foundation on which competence can build an edifice that lasts. Very akin to Gandhian philosophy which believes that “You cannot do right in some departments of life while attempting to do wrong in the other departments; Life is one indivisible whole.”

    Social Responsibility

    Gandhian philosophy has always inspired Dr. Habeeb. In line with at that philosophy he involves himself in a variety of activities that are aligned to his own personal philosophy of life, Unity of society through Unity with God. Dr. Habeeb Rahman is and will always remain modern in his approach, firmly traditional in his belief, deeply religious in his practice; and truly secular in his outlook and behaviour.

    Usually we speak of the economy and its deficits. Because that’s the way it is. We believe we have a failed economy or at the least a failing economy. Dr. Habeen believes otherwise… He believes it is transforming from manually driven one to a knowledge driven one. For instance, Ola and Uber are overtaking private transport.

    Food delivery is replacing eating out. Tuitions are decreasing, while online learning has increased. While small traders struggle, the online market place is booming. Internet penetration is going up. Startup jobs mainly in the knowledge sector are increasing, while Govt. and manual jobs are decreasing. The economy is not slowing down – it is transforming itself. Knowledge workers the world over are making tons of money – Doctors, Lawyers, Software programmers, app creators, while the grunt workers are struggling to see their incomes grow.

    Honours, awards & achievements

    • 2000: Speaker at the 5th International Convention of Islamic Medicine, sponsored by Moulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad. Topic: Islamic Medicine in the new millenium, conducted by International Institute of Islamic medicine & Islamic Medical Association, North America.
    • 2001: President’s Appreciation Award 2001, by Indian medical Association (IMA), in recognition of Service to IMA and to the Society, presented at 67th IMA Millennium Karnataka State Conference at Tumkur on 21st April 2001 President Dr. B.S. Ramesh.
    • 2002: Award at the 77th IMA – All India Medical Conference, Thiruvananthapuram
    • 2010: Life Time Health Achievement Award 2010 awarded by Health and Education Development Association for Outstanding Individual Achievement & Distinguished Services to the Nation at National Seminar on Social Economic Growth and National Integration on 16th May, 2010 at New Delhi.
    • 2010: Indian Leadership Award for Healthcare Excellence 2010 awarded by Indian Economic Development & Research Association on the occasion of National Seminar on National Economic Development & Social Responsibilities on 30th September, 2010 at New Delhi. The award is given for outstanding contributions and services done in the field of Health Care in INDIA.
    • 2011: Best Aloysian Award 2011
    • 2011: The Diamond Eye Award for Quality Commitment and Excellence organised by Other ways Management Association Club, Paris on 28th November, 2011 in Geneva, Switzerland. Unity Hospital was the only hospital that was awarded among the 60 recipients from more than hundred countries.
    • 2012:   Life Time Achievement Award in Health Care Services by Gulf University, Awarded by His Excellency Sheikh Nuaimi, Ruler of Ajman, UAE in 2012.
    • 2013: International Status Award for Intellectual Development, Individual contribution for International Integration by Global Achievers Foundation on 4th January 2013 in Bangkok.
    • 2013: Unity Care and Health Services Pvt. Ltd. was awarded with “Inspirational Company” award along with “World Business Leader” award to Chairman of Unity Dr. C. P. Habeeb Rahman and “Excellence in Business Leadership” award, by the World Confederation of Business (The Bizz).With this award, Unity has become an elite member in the World Confederation of Business organisation. Unity Care and Health Services Pvt. Ltd obtained more than 90 points out of 100.
    • 2017: Awarded as Highly Effective Edupreneur (Entrepreneur in Education) of India, by the Indian Edupreneurship Summit & Awards on July 14, 2017 at New Delhi. Award from the Indian Business & Professional Council (IFBC) Dubai
    • 2022: Conferred with Rajyotsava award on 1st November 2022 during Kannada Rajyotsava Day Celebration. Award was conferred by District In charge Minister V. Sunil Kumar in presence of Naleen Kumar Kateel MP.
    • 2022: Mangalore Management Association conferred on him Prestigious Outstanding Manager Award on 7 December 2022 in an exclusive event organized at SDM Management College.

    Positions and portfolios held:

    • Dr. C. P. Habeeb Rahman is the Chairman & Medical Director of Unity Care & Health Services which runs Unity Health Complex; a 250 bedded Super Specialty hospital and Chairman of Unity Academy of Education which runs Medical, Paramedical and Nursing Courses.
    • Director of Unity ILM Centre (Information, Learning & Media Centre).
    • Chairman of Arabic Academy, Mangalore that promotes Arabic Language.
    • President of Indian Medical Association Trust, South Canara Branch, Mangalore.
    • President of SIAS – SAFI Institute of Advanced Studies; Academic wing of Social Advancement Foundation of India (SAFI) a future Deemed University in Calicut, Kerala. SAFI was inaugurated by the Honorable Vice President of India Dr. Hameed Ansari.
    • President of Aliya Arabic Institute, Kerala that promotes Arabic Language and Islamic Studies.
    • Past Member of University Senate, Academic Council & Faculty of Medicine, Mangalore University.
    • Past President of Indian Medical Association, South Canara Branch. Panel Physician for GCC Countries (KSA, UAE, BAHRAIN, KUWAIT & OMAN) in India.
    • Member of International Hospital Federation, London for the last 30 years. He was one amongst the four members of The Group Purchasing of IHF, representing Asia in 1999.
    • Member of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Kanara Chamber of Commerce. Led Indian Business Delegation to KSA, UAE and SYRIA in 2011.
    • Member of Indian Hospital Association, New Delhi. Executive Member of Indian Society for Health
    • Administration, Bangalore.
    • Founding Patron of Association for Communal Harmony & Moral Upliftment, Mangalore.
    • Trustee of Islamic Academy that promoted renowned Yenepoya University, Mangalore.
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